Thursday 17 December 2015

How I'm going to use my Pre-Production research

By looking at all of my research into supernatural horror films, I found that people still like the gore factor. I’ll use this information to make my poster appealing to my target audience. Teenager like to watch 18 rated films more than 15 rated films, which is why I’d like my target audience to be between 16-24. My secondary research told me that they’re the people who go to see those films more often, so my film ideas would be aimed at the people who are able to go see them in the cinema and those who’d watch them at home with friends.

I found from my focus group that people expect supernatural horror films to be about spirits and to be about true events. So I think it would be appropriate to go and find legends or supernatural events that have happened and base my film off it, also using the fears from those who filled out my questionnaire would be good to add. My focus group told me that when a horror film has their fears in the story it had a more personal feel and it was more relatable.

While doing my secondary research I found that the fear of the unknown was one of the biggest fears in mankind, so supernatural horror fits well with that since it’s all about the unknown and people not being in control over something they don’t know about. Mixing my focus group and secondary research I know now that people enjoy the conventions of supernatural horror and without them they think that the film isn’t as good, so with my own ideas I should keep those clique themes to make the film conform to its genre.

When doing my content analysis I found that most supernatural horror film posers like to be cleaver with their typography and use props that are to do with the film, which is something that was said in my focus group and was liked by the audience. I also found that binary opposites are common in them as well, so I should take that into consideration. Religion and the Devil also play a big part in supernatural horror and throughout my secondary research it kept coming up and I think it would be a good idea to incorporate it into my ideas since it’s a very common theme with the supernatural sub-genre. If I use some of the conventions that I found that people enjoy a lot my poster campaign will be clear that it’s a supernatural horror.

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