Wednesday 4 November 2015

Evaluation on Pixlr workshop

To recreate the Guinness advert we used a program called Pixlr. I found it easy to use and most of it was very straight forward to pieces the various images together. I’m happy with my finished product because I feel that I have replicated the advert well. I used the blur tool to make it seem like the horses and surfers were coming out of the water, the horse furthest away looks the best in my opinion; although I could have made it a little smaller to give it more perspective. When cutting out the horse from the background I used the magic want tool to erase unwanted areas and then the eraser and select tool to get rid of the closer unwanted background. I found this way easier and more precise than cutting around the horse and then cutting it out from the background; only because if I was to make a mistake while using the select tool and then press undo it goes all the way back to when you started selecting.  I think the surfer crouching down looks the best out of the two since I used the blur tool more and I found an image that looked better than the other one. I’ve learnt that when using images various images it’s best to pick ones that are simple and not covered in detail, since the surfer in the original image was covered in water and now in my one he has all these white speckles over him.

When creating the advert I found it difficult to pick out images that would fit with each other, so when it’s time for me to take my images for my course work I’ll make sure they’re in similar conditions to make the editing much easier. I did try using the sharpen tool to make the horses face less blurry but it made it too grainy and it just didn’t look right. I could have used different horse pictures to make it look a little more genuine since all of them are identical. I didn’t encounter many problems from using the software, but some of the images like the surfer did make it a little more difficult. Removing the unwanted background was tricky when it was very close to the subject since I’d accidentally rub out part of the surfers hand or the horses face, but by using the eraser with the blurred effect it becomes a lot easier and if I did end up erasing more than what I wanted it won’t look as bad; that and I was able to use the blurred eraser to blend the horses into the water.  

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